Green Development

While emphasizing environmental conservation in the process of production and operation, we advocate the building of a green and low-carbon office, so that employees can develop the good habits of energy saving and consumption reduction. We also encourage all employees to contribute their tiny parts to energy saving by saving electricity and water. In addition, we advocate the building of a paperless office, trying our utmost to reduce energy consumption in the office.

Green Design

In order to enable more economical and low-carbon oriented energy utilization, our clean energy equipment segment incorporates the green development concept into product design, and advocates green design and green production.

China’s first 600MW fourth-generation commercial liquid metal cooled fast reactor developed and built under the leadership of Zhefu Group successfully went through a trial run. Representing a mainstream type of fourth-generation nuclear energy systems, fast reactors have become the most favored type of nuclear power plants and will effectively solve nuclear fuel supply shortage. By shaping a closed nuclear fuel cycle, it will improve the utilization of uranium resources, which is important to sustainable development of nuclear energy in China.

Raw Material Utilization

With priority always being given to new technologies, processes, materials, and equipment, we strengthen integrated and rational utilization to reduce consumption of raw materials. We also organize the recycling of scraps during processing, and sell unusable waste to legal material recycling departments in accordance with laws. In the production process, we follow correct steps to minimize the use of non-renewable raw materials.

Improve Energy Utilization

In order to further build up energy management, mobilize all our employees, reduce energy consumption, eliminate waste, drive conservation-oriented development, and improve energy efficiency, each branch has formulated a management system and a supervision and assessment system for energy conservation according to their respective characteristics. Through enhanced organization and leadership, energy-saving planning, hastened transformation of energy-saving technologies, upgrading of energy consumption quotas and statistics, regular energy balance tests and energy audits, inspection on how energy-saving plans and targets are executed, and rectification of non-compliant energy-saving practices, effective energy management is guaranteed.